Body Language – Silent Communicator – Last Day to Register – Sponsored by:Jeff Gregory of Desjardins Financial & TFN


Body Language – Silent Communicator

 Sponsored by:

 Jeff Gregory


Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc.

Free Raffle Prize: Garmin Dash Cam 35

Does your body language have compelling impact on your success?

Have you ever met someone at a party and felt an instant connection? 

Part of that can be attributed to the “vibe” that person puts out…and often it is their body language that has made you feel comfortable in getting to know them.

Body language is a term many people use, but few really understand. “Watch a politician in action, or a celebrity when they are meeting fans or going into an interview.  Often their words don’t match the hidden language of body language” says our speaker, Diane Proctor, of The Selling Edge.

In order to read the key signs of body language, we must know what to look for.   In other words when we say we have a hunch or gut feeling that someone has told us a lie, we really mean that their body language and their spoken words do not match.

Diane will give your attendees insights into how to interpret other people’s body language, and how it can help us understand what our language is saying about us.  Words account for only a small part of the message – over 80% of communication is non-verbal.

She will speak to the top three mistakes that people make during the first few minutes of meeting someone…. Remember, you only get one chance to make a good first impression!

These are some of the techniques that will be covered:

3 second ritual – facial expressions, tone of voice, remembering names

Positioning your body for the handshake – BBR

Eye contact – focus

Our dinner approach combines learning new information and then immediately applying it in a workshop session. We will divide into small groups to master the tips and Body Language gestures. The outcome will prepare you for next interview, evaluations and greater success.

Diane Proctor – CSP

Diane is the President of The Selling Edge, a full-service training company with over 15 years’ experience in analyzing business strategies and techniques. She has worked with executives in corporations, government sectors and small to mid-size companies creating positive change. Her TV performances were very educational and inspiring. Canada AM 5 Biggest Mistakes to avoid on an Interview and Daytime Rogers…First Impressions and Body Language. She is launching a book this year on Real life Values!

Register now

Event Details:

May 30, 2017

Time: informal networking starts at 6:00PM;

Dinner at 6:30 PM;

Speaker presentation at about 7:15.

Coffee break about 8:15.

Workshop to implement techniques on Body Language by Diane Proctor CSP at tables from 8:30 to 9:30

Cost is $45.00 which is all inclusive for buffet of salad, roasted chicken, veggies, potatoes, pop, taxes, tip,
A vegetarian option is available on request.

Send an Email to Paul Calleri (

Cash bar for alcohol, beer and juice beverages.

Location: Weston Golf and Country Club, 50 St. Phillips Road. Free parking. “Filling in the Gaps for Canadian Accountants”

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