Last chance to join us to build your our own job security: FLEXSOURCING: THE NEW WORK WORLD  & TFN




On Tuesday; February 28, 2017

    Sponsored by:

     Jeff Gregory


Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc.

Free Raffel Prize:

Garmin Dash Cam 35   

Over 90% of the businesses in Canada have fewer than 100 employees.

In the past 20 years, how we work has changed dramatically. Long ago, Western society came up with the notion of a 40 hour work week.  Laws were passed around this number and now the Employment Standards Act is very clear about hours of work.

The concept of one job equals a fixed number of hours often does not fit the small or mid-size business.  With the use of technology and better management techniques, our jobs now require us to be more nimble.

Job security is a thing of the past.  Organizations are forced to re-align to stay competitive and whether or not they want to keep staff, they often have no choice but to make changes in their workforce.

Non-standard work hours and a lack of job security have thus become the norm.

So how do we re-invent ourselves to use these changes to our advantage?  How do we build our own job security?

Jeff Chorlton, President & CEO of Flexserv, will speak on how to take advantage of the structural inefficiencies between supply and demand of skilled staff in the small and mid-sized environment.  Changing how you define your work life can lead to significant competitive advantage.

Learn about Flexsourcing and how it has already begun to profoundly change the work environment. We will have the opportunity to discuss this after Jeff’s presentation with our expert facilitator-Karin Hoernig.

This is a session that will apply to all, whether working and needing to better protect their jobs or in transition and looking for how to be successfully engaged in work. DON’T MISS IT.


Time: informal networking starts at 6:00PM; Dinner at 6:30 PM; Speaker presentation at about 7:15. Coffee break about 8:15.  Further presentation/discussion at tables from 8:30 to 9:30

Cost is $45.00 which is all inclusive for buffet fajitas dinner with all the fixings, non alcoholic beverages, taxes, tip, Owlwise fees and TFN costs. A vegetarian option is available on request. Send an EMail to Larry Cooper.  (

Location:   Lone Star Texas Grill, 930 Dixon Rd ( near the airport ) “Filling in the Gaps for Canadian Accountants”

TFN-Your source to better manage your career



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