Media Release – Public Sector Accounting Board Seeks New Leader

, ON May 16, 2016 – Canada’s Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) is seeking a new Chair.

PSAB establishes the accounting standards and other guidance for Canada’s public sector, published in the CPA Canada Public Sector Accounting Handbook.

As the Chair, you will lead the strategic direction of PSAB. A visible and experienced member of the public sector accounting community, you will have the contacts and know-how to bring people together. Your goal is to ensure a diverse set of viewpoints are considered when developing and improving standards – essential to the success of the standards the Board sets.

“This is a vital leadership position in Canada’s public sector accounting standards community,” said Stephenie Fox, VP, Standards at CPA Canada, which provides funding, staff and other resources to support PSAB’s work.

“As the Board Chair, you will be working with PSAB’s Director and other staff, the Board’s volunteer members and many volunteer committee members, international bodies, and Canadians-at-large to ensure the independent standard-setting process PSAB delivers serves the public interest.”

This is a part-time remunerated position and is normally initially appointed for a three-year term for a minimum of 1,000 hours per year.

The Chair is appointed by the Accounting Standards Oversight Council, which was established to serve the public interest by overseeing and providing input to the activities of PSAB.

Independently set financial reporting standards are critical to promoting confidence in Canada’s public sector entities. These standards contribute to transparent and accountable information that is made available to the public, as well as provide better financial information to support decision making.

Apply today!

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