Survey Reveals Biggest Challenge for New Managers

May 19, 2016

First-Time Managers Struggle Most With Balancing Own Job Duties While Overseeing Others

Toronto, ON – New managers face a number of challenges, but which is the most daunting? According to Canadian CFOs interviewed for a Robert Half Management Resources survey, the most difficult part of becoming a manager is balancing individual responsibilities with time spent overseeing staff. Meeting higher performance expectations ranked as the second greatest concern.

CFOs were asked, “In your opinion, what is the most difficult part of becoming a manager for the first time?” Their responses:

Balancing individual job responsibilities with time spent overseeing others


Meeting higher performance expectations


Motivating the team


Prioritizing projects


Supervising friends or former peers



*Total does not equal 100 per cent due to rounding.

View an infographic of the survey results.

“Transitioning into a new role as a first-time manager can be an intimidating experience, even for someone who has individually had professional success,” said David King, Canadian president of Robert Half Management Resources. “Beyond the added technical skills, management positions require a unique set of interpersonal skills to adapt to the needs, work tendencies and career aspirations of others.”

“New managers should look to their teams for support,” added King. “Transparency and partnership on plans and projects demonstrate confidence in employees’ abilities, opens up the opportunity for collaboration amongst team members, and frees up time for managers to ensure the business’s strategic goals are being met.”

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