
Workshops and training programs headed by Mike Morley are customized to meet your company's specific needs.

These are much more comprehensive than webinars and cost $695.00CAD plus taxes.

Some of the most requested topics include:


IFRS Workshop Topics
IFRS 12 - Taxes
IFRS 3 - Business Combinations
IFRS Fair Value Reporting
IFRS Interim Financial Reporting
IFRS and Inventory
IFRS Share Based Payments
IFRS Fixed Assets
IFRS Taxonomy (XBRL)
IFRS Revenue Recognition
IFRS Business Combinations
IFRS Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
IFRS Overview
IFRS First-Time Adoption - Exemptions and Options
IFRS Operating Segments - Segment Reporting
IFRS Financial Instruments
IFRS Latest Updates
IFRS Converting Your Cash Flow Statement
IFRS Converting Your Balance Sheet
IFRS Converting Your Income Statement
IFRS Oil, Mining, Gas
IFRS for Investment Entities
IFRS for Consolidated Statements
IFRS Disclosures of Involvements with Other Entities
IFRS Joint ventures
IFRS Separate Financial Statements
IFRS Investments in Associates
Preparing Notes to IFRS Financial Statements
Analyzing IFRS Financial Statements - What's the difference?
IFRS Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
IFRS Hedge Accounting
IFRS Leases
IFRS Hedge Accounting
IFRS Insurance Contracts and Derivatives
IFRS Financial Statement Presentation
IFRS Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
IFRS Events after the Reporting Period
IFRS Construction Contracts
IFRS Employee Benefits
IFRS Borrowing Costs
IFRS Earnings per Share
IFRS Impairment of Assets
IFRS Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
IFRS Intangible Assets
IFRS Investment Property
IFRS Agriculture

Sarbanes Oxley

SOX Workshop Topics
Does Anyone Care About SOX Anymore?
How IFRS will Change SOX Controls
SOX Simplified: An Overview
SOX: Demystifying the Documentation Process
SOX: Internal Controls for Accounts Receivable
SOX: Internal Controls for Accounts Payable
SOX: Internal Controls for Inventory
SOX Controls for Service Companies

General Topics

General Workshop Topics
Are you ready for the Auditor? Secrets You Need to Know to Survive the Audit
Audit Standards Latest Updates
Basics of Forensic Accounting
Financial Statement Audit best Practices
Emerging Risk for Senior Managers
Using Ratios for Fraud Detection in Corporate Revenue Accounts
Spotting Companies in Trouble
Corporate Revenue Accounts Review and Audit Best Practices
Corporate Expense Accounts Review and Audit Best Practices
Corporate Budget Analysis Best Practices
Comprehensive Review of Budgeting Best Practices
Comprehensive Review of Costing Best Practices
Accounting Standards for Not-for-Profit Organizations - What you need to know
Getting Security for Your Receivables
Creative Collection Techniques: Best Practices in Collection
Negotiation Skills