30 Character Traits of Mentally Strong People

After a truly terrible day at the office, in a quiet moment of reflection, you might marvel at the fact you had the fortitude to get through the whole experience without screaming (or quitting). You think, “How did I do it?” A likely factor: You are a mentally strong person.

Mental strength can be a road map for personal success in all areas of your life — especially your career. But to use your mental strength to its full advantage, you need to focus on developing it just as you would any other high-value skill. Honing your sense of purpose and cultivating your ability to make good things happen are part of that process.

Posted by Robert Half Management Resources

More than mind over matter

There are also things you shouldn’t do if you want to build mental strength.

Licensed psychotherapist Amy Morin published an article in 2013 about the healthy habits of mentally strong people that went viral. She focused on the things mentally strong people don’t do, and how that helps them to be more successful in business.

According to Morin, wasting energy on what you cannot control, giving up after failure, and resenting other people’s success are among the behaviors that mentally strong people avoid.

Character traits to emulate

Mentally strong people also have many distinguishable character traits. Below are 30 examples, collected from or inspired by various articles we found on this topic, from sources like Scientific American, Success Magazine and The Huffington Post:

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