Congratulations: You just got Promoted, First Duty

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Congratulations, your hard work and dedication has paid off, you’re now a manager.

What’s first; I would say first thing is take a moment to congratulate yourself. You worked hard to get here; University or College then articling and or training or you’re still studying and already have been promoted, or you have not yet started any formal training; but worked night and day to get there. Then there was those extra projects late nights. I had been an Accountant for many years before I decided to become a manager, but when I did decide I made it a must and dedicated myself  to get promoted.

This took about 2 and half years for me to get promoted and I was so engulfed in the position that I hadn’t even a minute to celebrate this major achievement. In fact with flatter hierarchy of management it’s harder now than it ever has to rise in the ranks of Management. So high five yourself, give yourself a pat on the back, take your partner or friend to a fancy lunch or dinner(but social distance) and tell them you bought this book and that writer Paul Calleri said I should celebrate the promotion. What are they going to say: sure let’s celebrate it. Note they’re getting a free meal out of it and you get your well deserved celebration. Note also: I just gave myself a pat on the back for becoming a manager in 1998.

Excerpt from Paul J. Calleri’s up and coming book on Management Excellence.

Paul J. Calleri is a FCPA, FCMA of Paul J. Calleri, Chartered Professional Accounting, principle of, CPA Toronto Accounting Group and entrepreneur. 

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Paul J. Calleri

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