Accounting Firms: Follow These Hot Tips for Maximum Profit in 2015

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 Accounting Firms, Hot Tips for Maximum Profits in 2015

The New Year has come and gone, which means by now, we are all back in the flow of our daily routines. It’s not too late however, to make some new resolutions that can help your firm grow by significant leaps and bounds. By taking the tips from those that analyze the market, you can maximize profits for this year, and those ahead. There are shifting focuses in the accounting world, and it’s crucial that you keep up in this ever changing marketplace. Let’s outline four trends that most firms will be focused upon in 2015.


Find outside talent to help you create better web content

There is a movement taking place this year, and firms are spending less on traditional advertising, while increasing spending on the search for high quality content through other avenues. The web isn’t going anywhere, which means that at least some of your adverting budget, needs to focus on hiring competent writers for the net. New talent can help put out high caliber information, which can be easily accessed by key clientele. Writers can help bridge the gap between industry jargon, and what your consumer base is truly looking for. Get through to potential clients, by focusing on sources such as your website, social media page, and blog. This will help draw future clients, and can potentially save money spent through traditional advertising methods.


Build both personal and professional relationships

Networking through socialization has always been an industry standard, but it’s time to take this idea to a whole new level. Many clients come through your doors because of referrals given by those with whom rapport has been built. The exchanging of personal information can be done on a mass scale today, thanks to social media. Dedicate personnel, and time to reaching out to others via these outlets, which will help push in more outside referrals.


Focus on technology

It’s no secret that we live in a growing technological age, and if you’re not able to keep up, you may find yourself falling behind the rest of the crowd. All of the other tips given so far, fell under the assumption that you have access to the latest technology. Don’t let yourself be caught out in the storm, by not continuing to grow the tech side of your business. Clients are constantly gaining access to the newest products of the digital age. New waves of perspective customers can be easily reached, and their needs can be better served, by giving them more options in the technology department. With more of the world’s population becoming connected through social media outlets, it’s imperative that you keep up with the rush in order to stay connected to your target audience.


Dedicate more resources to the aging populous

According to, over 4 million Canadians were over the age of sixty five in 2011. With many planning their perspective retirement, it should be a no-brainer that any accounting firm worth its boot straps, should be catering to this growing population. Reach out to these individuals, by showing them that your company has a knowledgeable grasp on this niche of the market. Many people are growing increasingly unsteady about potential retirement strategies. If you can offer this crowd some sort of reassurance, your company can capitalize on this ever growing market.   


The market is constantly shifting as a new generation of clients move into the world. This generation does things differently than those of the past. Finding new forms of communication have become crucial in order for your company to stay ahead of the pack. Don’t miss out on opportunity, get more financial insight, and helpful tips on THEGAAP.NET


Article by Derek Gladden


BIO- Derek Gladden is a 30 year old, married father of three. He graduated from Missouri State University in 2008, with a B.S. in Education. Derek has been teaching high school English, science, and technology since 2009. He is also a freelance writer, who contributes to several technology related websites, columns, and blogs. Derek has been writing professionally since 2013.

Article written by Derek Gladden

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