CPA Writers Wanted

CPA Writers Wanted is looking for volunteer writers to contribute to our daily updates of accounting information, trends and changes in accounting. Earn CPD credits, get exposure to 1,000’s of CPA’s in Ontario.

Let us know if you have an idea, insight or want to share a story of success. Help us help our CPA community by sharing your expertise in your field with others that can benefit. Help us help our CPA community by sharing your expertise in your field with others that can benefit.

Contribute your: skills, knowledge and experience to our CPA and earn CPD credits; at the same time.

In addition; will post your write up then do a marketing blitz to thousands of CPA’s. Differentiate yourself as an expert in your field while expanding your network.

To also thank you for your time: will award the individual with the highest views of their post for the month with a dinner with Jeffrey Gregory of Desjardin Financial for up to $100.00 at a restaurant of your choice in the GTA area.

Write your article today and send it to:

Thanks and Good Luck.

Founder of,

Paul J. Calleri

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