DON’T FORGET! AcSB Exposure Draft – 2017 Annual Improvements to Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises
The AcSB has issued an Exposure Draft proposing amendments that will affect private enterprises and not-for-profit organizations. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit their comments by December 15, 2016. As reported by The Standard.
Respondents are asked to email their comment letters (in a Word file) to: Please address your comments to:
Rebecca Villmann, CPA, CA, CPA (Illinois) Director, Accounting Standards Accounting Standards Board 277 Wellington Street West Toronto, Ontario M5V 3H2
This Exposure Draft reflects proposals made by the Accounting Standards Board (AcSB).
Individuals and organizations are invited to send written comments on the Exposure Draft proposals. Comments are requested from those who agree with the Exposure Draft as well as from those who do not.
Comments are most helpful if they are related to a specific paragraph or group of paragraphs. Any comments that express disagreement with the proposals in the Exposure Draft should clearly explain the problem and include a suggested alternative, supported by specific reasoning. All comments received by the AcSB will be available on the website shortly after the comment deadline, unless confidentiality is requested. The request for confidentiality must be stated explicitly within the response.
Comment on this document today!
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