Mortgages/business financing & Covid-19 sponsored by Jeff Gregory Of Desjardins
The CPA Toronto Accounting Group Presents: Mortgages and business financing in the Covid-19 economy sponsored by Jeffrey Gregory Of Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc.
Join us on May 19th. @ 7:00p.m. For our Live Webinar
People are becoming increasingly restless after putting their lives and careers on hold for about a month. Due to the relative success of social distancing, many of us don’t yet know anyone who have fallen ill. The weather is improving and everyone wants to get outside into the fresh air. A theme that is in the air is ‘getting back to normal’.
In the world of mortgages and business financing, things have changed substantially and there is not a sense of ‘getting back to normal’. Interest rates have fallen dramatically but may change rapidly. Lending institutions have been extremely busy with a large volume of activity and many staff are working from home. It is absolutely essential for the Canadian economy that financial staff remain safe from infection.
Lending rules are in flux with venerable, reliable programs going by the wayside and others being introduced, often with government backing. We have seen rules and policies change several times in a single day. There are indications that aggressive lenders and borrowers are using this time to improve their competitive and risk positions, while others are distracted by watching the daily news and the isolation of their home offices.
• We are finding substantial opportunities for clients who have an ear for improving their rates and terms on borrowed funds.
• We expect that there will be opportunities to purchase real estate as others choose to lessen their exposure to real estate.
• This is a time for financial advisors to review liabilities for their clients and develop contingency plans in the event of lender changes.
• We suggest that everyone review their personal debts and mortgages and explore opportunities to improve rates and terms.
This webinar will provide up to date information on the current state of mortgage and business financing and make suggestions on how to best respond to the new business environment.
Our Speaker:
Jay Brennan: Jay has more than twenty-five years experience in real estate and business financing. Beginning with the Bank of Montreal, Jay went on to own and operate several companies, earn a string of degrees and certifications, and gain much experience with people and business. He is currently registered and works as a full time mortgage agent with DLC Estate Mortgages Inc. He is usually busy helping clients with their residential, commercial, and construction mortgages.
Paul Calleri is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting on May 19th. at 7:00p.m.
Meeting ID: 843 9710 2312
Password: 014471
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Paul Calleri, Founder of TheGAAP.Net
The CPA Toronto Accounting Group
“I am always excited by the classy events, especially because of the ambiance of the Weston Country Club where they are held. The topics are always intriguing and I believe attending these events makes me feel well-informed! You also get to build your network by meeting so many smart people during these events. Kudos to the organizers of TheGAAP.Net for conducting phenomenal events – Looking forward to the next!!” Chinnu Jose
Great workshop, very valuable and inspiring. I would like to attend the workshop again………………….Chiedozie Megwa
Each event is fantastic! I learn something new every time that will help me in my professional and personal life. I hope to be a regular in events. Mrigank Kabra