New IFRS French Translations Available Online

The IFRS Foundation is pleased to announce New French translations for Investment Entities: Applying the Consolidation Exception (Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 28)and

Disclosure Initiative (Amendments to IAS 1).

eIFRS Professional/eIFRS Comprehensive subscribers can access theses translations from the following:

The French translation of the Exposure Draft Classification of Liabilities (Proposed Amendments to IAS 1), can be accessed via the ‘Comment on a proposal’ as follows:

Note: Comments to be received by 10 June 2015

Note: The IFRS Foundation states: At present, the files correspond to the text used for the adoption of IFRS into law, and do not include the accompanying material such as the Bases for Conclusions and the Illustrative Examples. To find more information about our Available Translations visit the Translations Status page

What comments will you be providing on the “Exposure Draft Classification of Liabilities (Proposed Amendments to IAS 1)” proposal?  What methods did you use to read the English version while you were waiting for the French translation?

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