Webinar – It is important to keep up-to-date with IFRS

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It is important to keep up-to-date with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs):

This is for Canadian public companies, their advisors and the users of their financial statements and private enterprises that use IFRSs in preparing financial statements.

REMINDER! Webinar – Developments in IFRSs: 2015 Mid-year Update

The Standard states:

“Tune in to this webinar on June 19, 2015 (French) or June 26, 2015 (English) to get an up-to-date briefing on IFRSs.”

This webinar will provide an up-to-date briefing on IFRSs from the AcSB Chair.

This webinar features the following speaker:

  • Linda Mezon, FCPA, FCA, AcSB Chair

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