Category Archives: Financial Reporting Updates

AcSB Annual Plan – 2015-2016

AcSB Annual Plan – 2015-2016

The AcSB Annual Plan sets out the AcSB’s objectives and planned activities for: publicly accountable enterprise, private enterprises, and not-for-profit organizations along with other initiatives to be undertaken in 2015-2016. The key elements that will be considered in the Annual plan are summarized as follows: The maintenance of the separate strategies for “each major category of reporting entity.” The AcSB will continue to support the

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AASB Plans Significant Changes to the Auditor’s Report

reviewing documents

Reporting revolution! Significant changes to the auditor’s report are getting closer. The AASB plans international standards for auditor reporting in 2017. The Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AASB)’s recent developments are bringing closer the reality of significant changes to the auditor’s report (form and content). Eric Turner, CPA, CA (Director, Auditing and Assurance Standards, CPA Canada) goes on to say

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