Category Archives: Updates

For a Successful Enterprise, Cultivate Investor Relations

cultivating investor relations

Although investor and stakeholder relations can’t be measured or calculated on a spreadsheet, their value can significantly impact your company’s bottom line. Your brand’s reputation and success are contingent upon effective relationships with not just clients, but also with others affected by how you do business. In short, healthy stakeholder and investor relations are crucial for running a sustainable enterprise.

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Accountants – Math Wizards or Problem Solvers?


New Survey Shows Accountants Prefer Tackling Problems Over Crunching Numbers: as released on: TORONTO, March 18, 2015 /CNW/ – What do most accountants enjoy about their profession? Apparently 39% of accounting and finance professionals enjoy solving problems; as discovered in a Robert Half Finance & Accounting survey. While 29% enjoy making strategic recommendations for the business to give them the

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Want to Inspire Innovation at Work? Here Are 5 Ways

Confused Woman

Savvy businesses are always looking for ways to inspire innovation at work. Good leaders know that success comes from unconventional thinking and visionary ideas. And creativity is not just for computer companies, artists or ad agencies. In accounting and finance jobs, novel approaches can streamline operations and improve the bottom line. What’s more, when employees feel that management listens to

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Volunteer Opportunity – IFRS Discussion Group

Accounting, Audit and Assurance

Apply today. The AcSB is currently seeking new members, with a preference for financial statement preparers and users. If you are interested, please submit a resumé by September 25, 2015. The AcSB goes on to say: Are you interested in debating accounting standards issues arising from the application of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) in Canada? Would you like to participate in

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Notice of Annual General Meeting – CPAs of Ontario

Canada appointed

Notice of Annual General Meeting – Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario CPA Canada’s Annual General Meeting notice is as follows: Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Members of Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario will be held on Thursday, September 24, 2015, commencing at 4:30 p.m., at its offices, 69 Bloor Street East, Toronto, for the

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Accounting Case Study – The Last Taboo


It’s the subject no one wants to talk about: mental health. But with one-fifth of Canadians experiencing a mental health issue, chances are you’ll encounter it. And when it starts to affect your workplace, avoiding it isn’t an option. That first audit season triggered something in David Albert Newman. Back in 2000, he recalls how his firm at the time

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Foreign-Trained Accountants Fear Fines Under Ontario Law

accounting update

Saxton, who runs Arrow Accounting and Bookkeeping on Danforth Ave., is a Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) designation, a credential he says is internationally recognized and that takes an average of three to four years of study to earn. But now he, like other foreign-trained accountants, fears he will be penalized under a recent Ontario law. Under Bill 158, Saxton

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Small Businesses Not Using Accountants Complete Skills

Accounting, Audit and Assurance

A majority of small businesses that use outside accountants are engaging them only for specific services and support, according to the web-based survey of 472 small businesses. The business owners who use outside accountants rely on them most for accounting services (76%), bookkeeping services (49%) and tax support (46% personal; 43% business tax compliance; and 43% corporate tax). A minority

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Accounting – The CPA gender pay gap

Confusion, Women, Gesturing.

A survey of compensation among CPAs is about to be released. Have things changed since the last report and how does the profession compare with others? When Robin Taub entered the job market, she was convinced that, in her case, there would be no disparity in compensation compared to her fellow male graduates. As a vigorously recruited honours student from

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DEADLINE COMING UP! Volunteer Opportunity

Canada appointed

The AcSB is currently seeking volunteers for its new Not-for-Profit Advisory Committee. If you have an interest in accounting and reporting standards for private sector not-for-profit organizations, please submit a resumé by August 4, 2015. The AcSB goes on to say: Do you have an in-depth knowledge of accounting standards for private sector not-for-profit organizations and of their application in

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