Category Archives: Succession Planning

4 Ways to Uncover the Hidden Potential In Your Company

Successful Business Transition

There are many ways to increase the value of your business. One of the easiest is to uncover the hidden potential we all have right at our fingertips. I’m referring to using what you already possess to drive sales, improve productivity, increase operations efficiencies and the list goes on. Here are four ideas to reveal UNTAPPED POTENTIAL within your company.

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Nine Personal Things Owners Do When Thinking About Business Transition, Whether They Realize It Or Not

Successful Business Transition

Review their current will. Take a hard look at their personal finances. Plan longer vacations. Work with a personal trainer or at least walk more. Downsize their home. Manage the affairs/care of an aging parent. Attend graduation of and or marry off their youngest child. Re-purpose the extra bedroom. Investigate locations for a winter home. Do you know an Owner

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3 Key questions from – ‘A tale of three sons.’​ Extended Version

Some food for thought before handing your business over to a next generation family member. ​ I remember meeting the Owners of a small business. He had worked hard and the company had provided his family with a comfortable life. There were 3 sons. One worked occasionally in the business, wasn’t suited to take over and never really did much

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Are you running out of runway?

Successful Business Transition

Are you running out of runway? Feeling tired and not prepared to do any more work on the business? Maybe you waited too long to sell and the end is still not in sight. The kids are now older and not interested in running the company. Employees are not prepared to buy or run the business. You may have had

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