Category Archives: Management Accounting Updates

What Business Are You In?

Big city bollboards

…It’s probably not what you think. You may say “I know what business I am in, I have this product and/or this service…”. But this thought may keep you on a plateau of your current growth state. To innovate and break from the holding pattern, ask the title question. Innovative Big Brands already discovered its power and are fully exploiting

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30 Character Traits of Mentally Strong People

CPA assists businesses to adapt to climate change

After a truly terrible day at the office, in a quiet moment of reflection, you might marvel at the fact you had the fortitude to get through the whole experience without screaming (or quitting). You think, “How did I do it?” A likely factor: You are a mentally strong person. Mental strength can be a road map for personal success

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If You Don’t Save The Business Then It Could Cost You Your Career – Structure your business for success

STRUCTURE YOUR BUSINESS FOR SUCCESS CPD credit: One hour Date: March 23rd , 2016 Time: 12:30 – 1:30 Join us as this webinar is broadcast live on March 23rd, 2016 Click the following to register:

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IFRS: Management Reports or MD & As…or both?

A short time ago someone asked me if the rumor was true. I asked “What rumor?” He replied, “The one about IFRS forcing public companies to file management reports when they file their financial statements with the Ontario Securities Commission. I thought they had to file Management Discussion and Analysis Reports (MD&A) with their statements. Is there a difference between

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The Biggest Fears for CFOs


What are the biggest fears for Canadian CFOs? As a follow up to our article: What are your biggest fears as a CPA?, we examine the primary concerns for Canadian CFO’s in 2015. Based on the quarter’s findings in 2013, Canadian CFO’s were, in general, more optimistic than their American counterparts, which is a significant change from what was reported before. Deloitte’s Q1 CFO

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Accounting Firms: Follow These Hot Tips for Maximum Profit in 2015

  The New Year has come and gone, which means by now, we are all back in the flow of our daily routines. It’s not too late however, to make some new resolutions that can help your firm grow by significant leaps and bounds. By taking the tips from those that analyze the market, you can maximize profits for this

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