Category Archives: Updates

Boomers: Not Ready to Retire Just Yet? Try Consulting as a Career

FRAS Canada is hiring!

Robert Half senior executive director Paul McDonald notes that low unemployment and high demand for professionals with niche skills may have many companies seeking experienced workers to fill key roles. He says professionals at or near retirement age who are weighing their options in the current job market may want to consider consulting as a career. He says, “Employers are

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Webinar – Implementation Considerations for New Auditor Reporting Standards

M&A Update

Where applicable, you are entitled to a one hour CPD credit (pending successful completion of the Quiz). CPA’s (where applicable) at no cost. Tune in to this webinar on October 6, 2015 (English) and October 7, 2015 (French) to learn about the AASB’s recently issued Invitation to Comment on the proposed effective dates and other considerations. Register today!   Visit

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Final Amendment – Effective Date of IFRS 15

Canada appointed

The IASB has issued a narrow-scope amendment to IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customersdeferring the effective date of this standard by one year to annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2018 with earlier application permitted; as reported by The Standard.   IASB confirms deferral of effective date by issuing formal amendment to the revenue Standard as reported

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Canadian Hiring & Compensation Trends – Webinar – Reminder

webinar participation

This webinar is set for today at 12:30 p.m. ET Join Gena Griffin; the Regional Manager of Robert Half.   Job seekers and Employers will both benefit from this comprehensive examination of: the hiring environment, overview of public accounting and financial services, local hiring trends, some of the biggest indicators that it’s time to hire.   September 23, 2015; 12:30 p.m. ET

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Canadian Hiring & Compensation Trends – Webinar

M&A Update

Job seekers and Employers will both benefit from this comprehensive examination of: the hiring environment, overview of public accounting and financial services, local hiring trends, some of the biggest indicators that it’s time to hire. September 23, 2015; 12:30 p.m. ET CPA Canada is pleased to present: Robert Half, worldwide leader in professional consulting and staffing services, for a one-hour

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Webinar – New Auditor Reporting Standards

accounting update

Webinar – Implementation Considerations for New Auditor Reporting Standards Where applicable, you are entitled to a one hour CPD credit (pending successful completion of the Quiz). CPA’s (where applicable) at no cost. Tune in to this webinar on October 6, 2015 (English) and October 7, 2015 (French) to learn about the AASB’s recently issued Invitation to Comment on the proposed effective dates and other considerations. Register

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ASPE Information Now Available on

Accounting, Audit and Assurance

Here at we started with a focus on providing information about IFRS standards. Now that out user base has grown and more accountants are joining our community, we have added ASPE information. You can visit our ASPE page for more information and updates. Additionally, we are also working with Mike Morley to bring ASPE Webinars for your professional development.

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Security – The Top Tech Priority for Accountants

Security - The Top Tech Priority for Accountants

Security is the top tech priority for Canadian and U.S. accountants The North America Top Technology Initiatives Survey ranks the top 10 tech initiatives and professional accountants on both sides of the border agree on the top two. “Preventing security threats such as data breaches and mobile device vulnerabilities remains a top concern for both Canadian and U.S. accountants” and

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IFRS: Management Reports or MD & As…or both?

A short time ago someone asked me if the rumor was true. I asked “What rumor?” He replied, “The one about IFRS forcing public companies to file management reports when they file their financial statements with the Ontario Securities Commission. I thought they had to file Management Discussion and Analysis Reports (MD&A) with their statements. Is there a difference between

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IFRS: So many choices…. How do you decide?

The following is taken from Mike Morley’s latest book “IFRS Simplified” IFRS: So many choices…. How is the accountant supposed to decide? International Financial Reporting Standards employ four key principles as guidelines to making decisions regarding which accounting treatment to apply in a particular situation.   Should the asset be classified as available-for-sale or as available-for-use? Should the value assigned

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