Tag Archives: website

Personal Branding – 5 Ways to Cultivate Your Online Presence

It isn’t hard to understand why your online presence is very important. A large part of the Internet today is social media. It has become almost an expectation for individuals and corporations to have an online presence. This expectation is so powerful that any individual or organization that lacks an online presence loses a certain amount of credibility. This is

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Updating your Business Website (Being Responsive is Important!)

Responsive Web Design

A responsive website isn’t one that responds to your audience’s needs, though that is definitely a great feature for a website. When I talk about responsive websites, I’m talking about the website being able to respond to the device that they are being viewed on. This means that a website will work perfectly on any device regardless of how big

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Website Design and Success in Business

Responsive Web Design

In today’s technologically driven landscape it is pretty much impossible to run a business without a proper website. Websites are essentially online store fronts for your business. If it doesn’t look good, it will deter people from wanting to explore your brand more. This is why it is important to keep your site updated and well designed. Using the analogy

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